What is Sipscription?

Discover the ease of having a curated selection of Chateau Amsterdam wines delivered to your doorstep every three months.

With our new wine subscription, Sipscription, you'll receive our wine makers' preferred choices of seasonal wines, including exclusives and limited editions not available for individual purchase online or in our shop.

You will taste, discover and enjoy three or six new wines perfectly suited to the season and receive custom made Chateau Amsterdam wine cards telling you all about the aroma's, flavor and taste profile of the wines.

Embark on a journey through the world of wine and winemaking and learn all about different grapes, regions and blends with these fun and delicious Chateau Amsterdam wine boxes!

Gifting Sipscription

If you'd like to gift a subscription, simply at the delivery address of the person you would like to gift it to at checkout. You can leave a personal message at the comments field of your order which we will include on a hand-written card.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I pause or cancel my subscription?

You can easily pause or cancel your subscription 10 days before the renewal date in the self service center of your subscription.


Can I change the delivery date?

Not home during the scheduled delivery? You can simply request another delivery date by emailing us at shop@chateau.amsterdam


What's in the box?

Each box contains either 3 or 6 Chateau Amsterdam wines and accompanying wine cards that tell you all about the flavor, aroma's and taste profile of each wine.


Can I choose my own wines?

Not yet, but that is also something we are working on!


Can I gift Sipscription?

Yes, of course! Simply add the delivery address of the person you would like us to send the Sipscription. You can also add a personal message which we will write on a card at the checkout.